April 20, 2009

Sunset from 37,000 feet

I took this en route from Manchester, NH, to Baltimore, MD, to visit a dear friend.

Sunsets are often romanticized, but they sure do disappear quickly. The captain called the passengers' attention to the sunset when it was about 1/2 way down. By the time I got out my iPhone, turned it on, and got to the Camera app, it was at this state -- just barely peeking over the horizon. I experienced the same thing in Mexico last summer, watching the sun set over the ocean.

It's beautiful nonetheless, though fleeting.

April 15, 2009

Today was an OK day after all

Yesterday, I was down. Probably a 4 out of ten, and today I was emotionally a 5. But reflecting on the day, there were things that happened, or didn't as the case may be, that colored it in a positive way. For example:

1. My car was NOT stolen from the employee parking lot for the second day in a row. That's a good thing, in my opinion.

2. I received no email, or other written communication, that contained an interrobang (?!). That, too, is a good thing. Especially after yesterday...

3. There was no call from doggie day care pointing out - again - the rash my dog has on his underbelly. Which I've been treating aggressively with pills, creams, shots, and special food for the last 4 years.

4. I ate both fruit and vegetables today. (And, no, I'm not counting ketchup as a vegetable.)

5. I spent exactly $6.35. Seems like just a little bit of money compared to my recent shopping excursions, so I feel like I'm getting back to normal from a spending perspective after my move.

6. I explored a new way home -- without a map. Only had to turn around once, and I found the Melting Pot along the way. It's really not that far from my apartment. Bonus!

7. I decided what to get a friend for their birthday. And I feel good about the decision.

Not an extraordinary day, but overall not too bad...