February 5, 2009

25 Random Things

There's a fad of sorts spreading through my Facebook network. It's the 25 Random Things post, where you list 25 things about yourself, and then tag 25 people who do the same and tag more people and so on.

In reading some of the lists, I was honestly shocked by some of the things people posted, especially since the venue is quite public. I'll get into my thoughts on that -- and why I won't put my list in Facebook -- in a separate post, I think. Nonetheless, I'm not immune to being sucked into the phenomenon, and drafted my own list. Here goes...

  1. I hate raking the leaves.
  2. I detest clutter.
  3. I appreciate others' ability to grow and nurture plants, even as I struggle to keep my own alive.
  4. I love contagious enthusiasm.
  5. I love that moment camping when I finally let go of all the trappings and pace of my daily life and just succumb to being.
  6. I relish hugs, especially those that are engulfing.
  7. I do not ask to be held frequently enough.
  8. I laugh every time I find my dog, Jake, buried in my bed pillows.
  9. I get nervous making phone calls even to people I know.
  10. I have a hard time asking for help.
  11. I hate saying goodbye.
  12. I don't go to funerals.
  13. I plan to explore the world before I die.
  14. I believe in fairness.
  15. My favorite books are ones that consume me -- and I will read at the expense of eating, sleeping, and interacting with others.
  16. I'm loathe not to finish a book even if it's awful. It may just take me a very long time to get through it.
  17. It can take me awhile to warm up to an idea, but as soon as I'm on board, I will be the biggest advocate for it.
  18. I aspire to be the best at what I do, but recognize I can't do everything perfectly.
  19. I still cry when I think of my dog, Chewy, and the weekend he died.
  20. I'm secretly a big geek -- I love technology, gadgets, science fiction and the like.
  21. I love to cook with and for people, but will not do so for myself alone.
  22. I am afraid of being alone when I'm old.
  23. I would rather be at a baseball game than watch one on TV anyday.
  24. I forget things. Big things, little things.
  25. I thrive on knowing.
...That actually took longer to do than I expected. And I definitely self-censored. But I think it was definitely a worthwhile exercise. Just not sure I'm ready or interested in sharing it with "Friends".

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